Source code for trackintel.preprocessing.triplegs

import warnings

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, Point

from trackintel.preprocessing.util import _explode_agg

[docs]def smoothen_triplegs(triplegs, tolerance=1.0, preserve_topology=True): """ Reduce number of points while retaining structure of tripleg. A wrapper function using shapely.simplify(): Parameters ---------- triplegs: GeoDataFrame (as trackintel triplegs) triplegs to be simplified tolerance: float, default 1.0 a higher tolerance removes more points; the units of tolerance are the same as the projection of the input geometry preserve_topology: bool, default True whether to preserve topology. If set to False the Douglas-Peucker algorithm is used. Returns ------- ret_tpls: GeoDataFrame (as trackintel triplegs) The simplified triplegs GeoDataFrame """ ret_tpls = triplegs.copy() ret_tpls.geometry = ret_tpls.geometry.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=preserve_topology) return ret_tpls
[docs]def generate_trips(staypoints, triplegs, gap_threshold=15, add_geometry=True): """Generate trips based on staypoints and triplegs. Parameters ---------- staypoints : GeoDataFrame (as trackintel staypoints) triplegs : GeoDataFrame (as trackintel triplegs) gap_threshold : float, default 15 (minutes) Maximum allowed temporal gap size in minutes. If tracking data is missing for more than `gap_threshold` minutes, then a new trip begins after the gap. add_geometry : bool default True If True, the start and end coordinates of each trip are added to the output table in a geometry column "geom" of type MultiPoint. Set `add_geometry=False` for better runtime performance (if coordinates are not required). print_progress : bool, default False If print_progress is True, the progress bar is displayed Returns ------- sp: GeoDataFrame (as trackintel staypoints) The original staypoints with new columns ``[`trip_id`, `prev_trip_id`, `next_trip_id`]``. tpls: GeoDataFrame (as trackintel triplegs) The original triplegs with a new column ``[`trip_id`]``. trips: (Geo)DataFrame (as trackintel trips) The generated trips. Notes ----- Trips are an aggregation level in transport planning that summarize all movement and all non-essential actions (e.g., waiting) between two relevant activities. The function returns altered versions of the input staypoints and triplegs. Staypoints receive the fields [`trip_id` `prev_trip_id` and `next_trip_id`], triplegs receive the field [`trip_id`]. The following assumptions are implemented - If we do not record a person for more than `gap_threshold` minutes, we assume that the person performed an activity in the recording gap and split the trip at the gap. - Trips that start/end in a recording gap can have an unknown origin/destination - There are no trips without a (recorded) tripleg - Trips optionally have their start and end point as geometry of type MultiPoint, if `add_geometry==True` - If the origin (or destination) staypoint is unknown, and `add_geometry==True`, the origin (and destination) geometry is set as the first coordinate of the first tripleg (or the last coordinate of the last tripleg), respectively. Trips with missing values can still be identified via col `origin_staypoint_id`. Examples -------- >>> from trackintel.preprocessing.triplegs import generate_trips >>> staypoints, triplegs, trips = generate_trips(staypoints, triplegs) trips can also be directly generated using the tripleg accessor >>> staypoints, triplegs, trips = triplegs.as_triplegs.generate_trips(staypoints) """ assert "is_activity" in staypoints.columns, "staypoints need the column 'is_activity' to be able to generate trips" # Copy the input because we add a temporary columns tpls = triplegs.copy() sp = staypoints.copy() gap_threshold = pd.to_timedelta(gap_threshold, unit="min") # If the triplegs already have a column "trip_id", we drop it if "trip_id" in tpls: tpls.drop(columns="trip_id", inplace=True) warnings.warn("Deleted existing column 'trip_id' from tpls.") # if the staypoints already have any of the columns "trip_id", "prev_trip_id", "next_trip_id", we drop them for col in ["trip_id", "prev_trip_id", "next_trip_id"]: if col in sp: sp.drop(columns=col, inplace=True) warnings.warn(f"Deleted column '{col}' from staypoints.") tpls["type"] = "tripleg" sp["type"] = "staypoint" # create table with relevant information from triplegs and staypoints. sp_tpls = pd.concat( [ sp[["started_at", "finished_at", "user_id", "type", "is_activity"]], tpls[["started_at", "finished_at", "user_id", "type"]], ] ) if add_geometry: sp_tpls["geom"] = pd.concat([sp.geometry, tpls.geometry]) # transform nan to bool sp_tpls["is_activity"].fillna(False, inplace=True) # create ID field from index sp_tpls["sp_tpls_id"] = sp_tpls.index sp_tpls.sort_values(by=["user_id", "started_at"], inplace=True) # conditions for new trip # start new trip if the user changes condition_new_user = sp_tpls["user_id"] != sp_tpls["user_id"].shift(1) # start new trip if there is a new activity (last activity in group) _, _, condition_new_activity = _get_activity_masks(sp_tpls) # gap conditions # start new trip after a gap, difference of started next with finish of current. gap = (sp_tpls["started_at"].shift(-1) - sp_tpls["finished_at"]) > gap_threshold condition_time_gap = gap.shift(1, fill_value=False) # trip starts on next entry new_trip = condition_new_user | condition_new_activity | condition_time_gap # assign an incrementing id to all triplegs that start a trip # temporary as empty trips are not filtered out yet. sp_tpls.loc[new_trip, "temp_trip_id"] = np.arange(new_trip.sum()) sp_tpls["temp_trip_id"].fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True) # exclude activities to aggregate trips together. # activity can be thought of as the same aggregation level as trips. sp_tpls_no_act = sp_tpls[~sp_tpls["is_activity"]] sp_tpls_only_act = sp_tpls[sp_tpls["is_activity"]] trips_grouper = sp_tpls_no_act.groupby("temp_trip_id") trips = trips_grouper.agg( {"user_id": "first", "started_at": min, "finished_at": max, "type": list, "sp_tpls_id": list} ) def _seperate_ids(row): """Split aggregated sp_tpls_ids into staypoint ids and tripleg ids columns.""" row_type = np.array(row["type"]) row_id = np.array(row["sp_tpls_id"]) t = row_type == "tripleg" tpls_ids = row_id[t] sp_ids = row_id[~t] # for dropping trips that don't have triplegs tpls_ids = tpls_ids if len(tpls_ids) > 0 else None return [sp_ids, tpls_ids] trips[["sp", "tpls"]] = trips.apply(_seperate_ids, axis=1, result_type="expand") # drop all trips that don't contain any triplegs trips.dropna(subset=["tpls"], inplace=True) # recount trips ignoring empty trips and save trip_id as for id assignment. trips.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) trips["trip_id"] = trips.index # add gaps as activities, to simplify id assignment. gaps = pd.DataFrame(sp_tpls.loc[gap, "user_id"]) gaps["started_at"] = sp_tpls.loc[gap, "finished_at"] + gap_threshold / 2 gaps[["type", "is_activity"]] = ["gap", True] # nicer for debugging # same for user changes user_change = pd.DataFrame(sp_tpls.loc[condition_new_user, "user_id"]) user_change["started_at"] = sp_tpls.loc[condition_new_user, "started_at"] - gap_threshold / 2 user_change[["type", "is_activity"]] = ["user_change", True] # nicer for debugging # merge trips with (filler) activities trips.drop(columns=["type", "sp_tpls_id"], inplace=True) # make space so no overlap with activity "sp_tpls_id" # Inserting `gaps` and `user_change` into the dataframe creates buffers that catch shifted # "staypoint_id" and "trip_id" from corrupting staypoints/trips. trips_with_act = pd.concat((trips, sp_tpls_only_act, gaps, user_change), axis=0, ignore_index=True) trips_with_act.sort_values(["user_id", "started_at"], inplace=True) # ID assignment # # add origin/destination ids by shifting trips_with_act["origin_staypoint_id"] = trips_with_act["sp_tpls_id"].shift(1) trips_with_act["destination_staypoint_id"] = trips_with_act["sp_tpls_id"].shift(-1) # add geometry for start and end points if add_geometry: trips_with_act["origin_geom"] = trips_with_act["geom"].shift(1) trips_with_act["destination_geom"] = trips_with_act["geom"].shift(-1) # add prev_trip_id and next_trip_id for is_activity staypoints trips_with_act["prev_trip_id"] = trips_with_act["trip_id"].shift(1) trips_with_act["next_trip_id"] = trips_with_act["trip_id"].shift(-1) activity_staypoints = trips_with_act[trips_with_act["type"] == "staypoint"].copy() activity_staypoints.index = activity_staypoints["sp_tpls_id"] # containing None changes dtype -> revert to original dtype. activity_staypoints.index = activity_staypoints.index.astype(sp.index.dtype) sp = sp.join(activity_staypoints[["prev_trip_id", "next_trip_id"]], how="left") # transform column to binary trips_with_act["is_activity"].fillna(False, inplace=True) # delete activities trips = trips_with_act[~trips_with_act["is_activity"]].copy() trips.drop( [ "type", "sp_tpls_id", "is_activity", "temp_trip_id", "prev_trip_id", "next_trip_id", ], inplace=True, axis=1, ) # now handle the data that is aggregated in the trips # assign trip_id to tpls tpls = _explode_agg("tpls", "trip_id", tpls, trips) # assign trip_id to sp, for non-activity sp sp = _explode_agg("sp", "trip_id", sp, trips) # fill missing points and convert to MultiPoint # for all trips with missing 'origin_staypoint_id' we now assign the startpoint of the first tripleg of the trip. # for all tripls with missing 'destination_staypoint_id' we now assign the endpoint of the last tripleg of the trip. if add_geometry: # fill geometry for origin staypoints that are NaN origin_nan_rows = trips[pd.isna(trips["origin_staypoint_id"])].copy() trips.loc[pd.isna(trips["origin_staypoint_id"]), "origin_geom"] = # from tpls table, get the first point of the first tripleg for the trip lambda x: Point(tpls.loc[x[0],].coords[0]) ) # fill geometry for destionations staypoints that are NaN destination_nan_rows = trips[pd.isna(trips["destination_staypoint_id"])].copy() trips.loc[pd.isna(trips["destination_staypoint_id"]), "destination_geom"] = # from tpls table, get the last point of the last tripleg on the trip lambda x: Point(tpls.loc[x[-1],].coords[-1]) ) # convert to GeoDataFrame with MultiPoint column trips["geom"] = [MultiPoint([x, y]) for x, y in zip(trips.origin_geom, trips.destination_geom)] trips = gpd.GeoDataFrame(trips, geometry="geom") # cleanup trips.drop(["origin_geom", "destination_geom"], inplace=True, axis=1) # final cleaning tpls.drop(columns=["type"], inplace=True) sp.drop(columns=["type"], inplace=True) trips.drop(columns=["tpls", "sp", "trip_id"], inplace=True) # dtype consistency # trips id (generated by this function) should be int64 trips.index = trips.index.astype("int64") = "id" # TODO: some legacy issue for tests # trip id of sp and tpls can only be in Int64 (missing values) sp["trip_id"] = sp["trip_id"].astype("Int64") sp["prev_trip_id"] = sp["prev_trip_id"].astype("Int64") sp["next_trip_id"] = sp["next_trip_id"].astype("Int64") tpls["trip_id"] = tpls["trip_id"].astype("Int64") # user_id of trips should be the same as tpls trips["user_id"] = trips["user_id"].astype(tpls["user_id"].dtype) return sp, tpls, trips
def _get_activity_masks(df): """Split activities into three groups depending if other activities. Tell if activity is first (trip end), intermediate (can be deleted), or last (trip starts). First and last are intended to overlap. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame DataFrame with boolean column "is_activity". Returns ------- is_first, is_inter, is_last Three boolean Series """ prev_activity = df["is_activity"].shift(1, fill_value=False) next_activity = df["is_activity"].shift(-1, fill_value=False) is_first = df["is_activity"] & ~prev_activity is_last = df["is_activity"] & ~next_activity is_inter = df["is_activity"] & ~is_first & ~is_last return is_first, is_inter, is_last